In Respectful Memory of Edward M. Ryder
With great sadness, MRR Law mourns the passing of founding partner Edward M. Ryder, who lost a long and courageous battle with cancer this April.
Mr. Ryder joined forces with Thomas S. Mazanec and Todd M. Raskin to form Mazanec, Raskin…

BlogJune 2023 / by John T. McLandrich.
County jails, and County health districts that supply medical care to jails, and interested others should take note that the U.S. Department of Justice has this issue on its agenda and is championing…

United States Supreme Court’s New Open Door Policy for Federal Taking Claims
BlogMay 2023 / by John D. Pinzone / taken from Your House Counsel, Insurance & Corporate Liability Defense Reporter – Central Regional Edition
A property owner’s right to use his or her real property in a lawful manner has been a cornerstone…

Court Rules in Favor of Insurance Agencies After Barge Accident
BlogBy Frank H. Scialdone.
In the recent case of City of East Liverpool v. Owners Insurance Company, et al., 7th Dist. Columbiana No. 20 CO 0009, MRR Attorneys Joseph F. Nicholas, Jr., Frank H. Scialdone, George V. Pilat, and Michael P. Byrne…

Insurance Coverage; COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims; Interpretation and Application of the “Virus Exclusion”
BlogBy Joseph F. Nicholas, Jr.
Throughout the country and due to the impacts of the current COVID-19 pandemic, business owners are presenting business interruption claims to their commercial insurance carriers. With fair regularity, insurers…

H.B. 352 Clarifies and Modifies Ohio’s Employment Discrimination Statutes
BlogOn January 12, 2021, Governor DeWine signed into law H.B. 352 (the “Employment Law Uniformity Act”) which makes overdue changes and provides long-awaited clarifications to Ohio’s employment discrimination statutes.
Subject to two exceptions…

COVID-19 / Immunity; Civil Liability Relief for Ohio Businesses and Others
BlogOhio H.B. 606 became law effective September 14, 2020. Equally important, the new law’s protections have been made retroactive to March 9, 2020 - the date of Governor Mike DeWine’s first Executive Order relating to the pandemic. The law…

Title VII Protects Homosexual and Transgender Workers
BlogYesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act applies to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Title VII outlaws discrimination in the workplace on the basis of race, color, religion,…

New Ohio Tax Law May Alter Municipal Income Tax
BlogHB 197 went into effect on March 27, 2020. This is a new Ohio law that may alter the way municipalities collect income tax as a result of the COVID-19 emergency.
The Ohio Legislative Service Commission stated in its Final Analysis that the…

Dental Board Return To Practice Guidelines
BlogOn April 27, 2020, the Governor announced the schedule for businesses to return to operations to include the re-opening of dental practices for all dental procedures effective May 1. The return to practice includes strict adherence to Ohio Administrative…