COVID-19 Small Business Resource

The rapid, worldwide spread of COVID-19 has created a global pandemic that has affected the entire world, including small businesses.  Mazanec, Raskin & Ryder Co., L.P.A. (MR&R) has put together this reference to help your small business survive the crisis.

SBA Disaster Loans

  • The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has declared Ohio an eligible disaster area.
  • Low-interest “disaster loans” are available to eligible small businesses.
  • Offers up to $2 million to assist businesses with loss of revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • SBA disaster loans can be used to:
    • Pay fixed debts;
    • Maintain payroll;
    • Maintain accounts payable; and
    • Pay other bills that are not able to be paid
  • Loan interest rate: 3.75%.
  • Long term repayment plans are available – maximum of 30 years.
    • Loan terms are determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • The loan application is available for download to print in paper form or can be submitted online at the SBA website.
  • For further information:


  • On March 25, 2020, the U.S. Senate passed a COVID-19 stimulus bill which will:
  • Inject approximately $2 trillion into the U.S. economy.
  • While not yet passed through the House, leaders have indicated they are interested and will approve the plan quickly.
  • President Donald Trump has indicated that he would “absolutely” sign the bill once it passes through the House.
    • Available assistance to businesses with 500 or fewer employees:
      • $350 billion dedicated to the prevention of layoffs and closures of businesses.
      • Businesses that maintain a payroll during the COVID-19 crisis are able to receive cash flow assistance for a period of up to 8 weeks.
        • Able to utilize the loan for payroll, mortgages/rent, and utilities.
        • The loan amount would be forgiven under certain circumstances.
  • MR&R’s website will continue to provide updates on this bill as they are announced.

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

  • Businesses of 500 or fewer employees:
    • Paid Sick Leave (Division E):
      • Full time employees – 2 weeks or 80 hours of paid sick leave.
      • Part time employees – an equivalent of the number of hours worked over an average two-week period.
      • Pay:
        • Employee’s regular pay rate or $511.00 per day, whichever is the lesser amount, if:
          • A government quarantine order has been enacted;
          • The employee has been advised by a medical professional to “self-quarantine”; or
          • The employee is experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 and is also actively seeking a medical diagnosis.
      • Employers cannot:
        • Require employees to find replacement work to cover the missed time; or
        • Require the use of other paid leave that may or may not be already provided as a benefit by the employer.
      • This benefit is only to be used when an employee cannot work, including working remotely/virtually, due to any circumstances related to COVID-19.
      • This benefit is in effect only until December 31, 2020, unless otherwise amended by future legislation.
    • Expansion of Family Medical Leave (FMLA) benefits (Division E):
      • Qualifications:
        • Employees who cannot work due to:
          • Need to care for an individual subject to a quarantine order;
          • Need to care for a child whose school or child care center has closed; or
          • Experience a similar condition as described by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
      • Leave is a paid benefit (traditional FMLA is not).
        • Benefits are not paid for the first 10 days:
          • Employees may opt to utilize other paid leave provided as a benefit from the employer.
        • Pay:
          • No less than two-thirds of the employee’s regular rate of pay or $200.00 per day, whichever is less.
    • If any of these benefits are paid out by an employer, the employer is eligible for a 100% quarterly tax credit in the total amount of the benefits that are paid out.
      • Health insurance costs are included toward the credit.
    • If the business is owed a refund, it will be issued as soon as possible.
    • Each business with 500 or fewer employees must post this notice.

Ohio COVID-19 Resources

  • Unemployment benefits:
    • Employees are eligible if:
      • They have been employed for at least 20 weeks; and
      • Earned an average weekly wage of $269 during that period.
    • The state of Ohio is asking that employers distribute this form to their employees who are laid off for any reason due to COVID-19 in order to expedite their claims.
    • All WARNS notices and inquiries are to be emailed to until further notice.
    • Unemployment taxes:
      • During the emergency declaration period, a business’ unemployment tax charges will be mutualized.
        • Reimbursement to employers will follow the existing charging requirements as set forth in ORC 4141.
    • Unemployment benefits paid to an employee can be charged to a mutual account.
    • Any penalties for late reporting and payments will be waived.
    • Former employees can be paid a Supplemental Unemployment Benefit.
      • Requirements:
        • The arrangement being made must be documented on letterhead containing the businesses contact information.
        • An email address for the contact person must be provided.
        • There must be a citation of legal authority to verify the benefits are not subject to the unemployment tax.
      • Submit this information to
        • Subject line: SUB Plan.

Liquor buyback

  • Initiated by the Ohio Department of Commerce’s Division of Liquor Control to provide economic assistance to bar and restaurant owners during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • This program will allow a bar or restaurant to:
    • Return unopened high proof liquor products purchased within the past 30 days
  • Also applies to those businesses that may have obtained a temporary permit (F2) for an event if:
    • The event was scheduled between March 12, 2020 and April 6, 2020; and
    • The event is now cancelled.
  • Questions regarding this buyback program can be directed to the Liquor Enterprise Service Center at:

 Goods Haulers

Ohio Workers’ Compensation Premiums

  • The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) is allowing:
    • Employers to defer premium payments for the months of:
      • March;
      • April; and
      • May.
    • This deferment will last until June 1, 2020.
    • Please visit for further information.

Health Insurance Premiums

 Small Business Banking

 Additional information

  • Ohio’s resources regarding COVID-19:
  • Also check with your local Chamber of Commerce and Trade Associations for additional resources specific to your locale or industry.

COVID-19 has thrown the whole world a curveball.  With the help of MR&R, your business can weather the storm.  Please contact us at any time with any questions!

This document is not intended to provide legal advice, and is merely intended to be informational.  If you have specific questions, please contact legal counsel.